Monday, April 20, 2009

MyJokeMail the beginning

I've been working with Joomla for a long time now. I use it on my website which is a joke website and not in the context that its a joke but that it has jokes every thing from blond jokes to lawyer jokes to my favorite type of jokes little johnny jokes.

While Joomla is a great CMS software it fails me as being used for a joke site. One thing my site depends on is jokes being submitted by our members and while there are a few front end content submitting components they are still lacking the ability to allow guest to submit jokes. But I recently found something that I'm testing out to see if I can fix that.

Along with Jokes the site also contains a vast amount of other humorous items like funny pictures and funny videos. Plus some one of a kind items like goofy bastards and kids drawings.

All in all MyJokeMail has been a blast to work on. And I continue to work on it every day.

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